Fire protection & first aid courses

Knowledge creates security!

We are a motivated team with the aim of imparting our knowledge about fire protection and first aid in an interesting and simple way. As a partner company for fire protection training at the Bern Building Insurance Company and as a certified course provider for BLS-AED-SRC courses, we are a recognised provider in Switzerland. The knowledge required for this is imparted by our instructor, who has many years of operational experience with the fire service.

Fire protection training

At a practice-oriented training every participant learns to extinguish a real fire. We use different extinguishing agents and show possible scenarios.

First aid course


Learn how to use the defibrillator, the tried and tested first-aider. After a cardiac arrest

every second counts! With the correct operation of the defibrillator everyone becomes a life saver.

Your Instructor

Our instructor, Daniel Keller, is a passionate firefighter and fire brigade commander of the Wolfwil community. Daniel Keller has experienced many a dicey situation at first hand.  As an experienced life saver and first responder, he is happy to share his knowledge with you and your team ...


Ambassade du Canada, Bern

Axians Schweiz,  Basel


Fischer Papier, Fulenbach

Frutiger AG, Thun

Logo Printgrahpic Branschutzschulung Referenz Bern Universal

IBIS Hotel, Bern

Printgraphic AG, Bern

Logo Printgrahpic Branschutzschulung Referenz Bern Universal

Reha Pflegeklinik Eden AG, Ringgenberg


UNIVERSAL Feuerlöschgeräte AG

Zentweg 17a

3006 Bern

031 921 82 23

UNIVERSAL Feuerlöschgeräte AG

Brückenstrasse 8

4853 Murgenthal

Avis: 031 921 82 23

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