Spring Return Reel Hose Reel

Excellent quality with automatic hose reels

The spring-return recoiler or hose reel can be rolled up independently by the built-in spiral spring. The excellent quality of the automatic hose reels guarantees a long service life and safety.  The hose reel is optionally available in stainless steel (V2A) or steel.  The reel is easy to install and can also be equipped with a swivel plate.

automatisch, Schlauchroller, Federrückzug-haspel, raasm, Sonderegger, qualität, Reinigung, Hochdruck
Federrückzughapsel rostfrei

Automatic hose reel

The automatic hose reel is available either in a stainless steel version or powder coated.

  • Easy to install. No matter where: wall, floor, ceiling, vehicles, etc.
  • Adjustable guide arms so that the hose can be rolled up and unrolled in the correct position depending on the type of installation.
  • The spring return reel is optionally available with a suitable swivel plate or mounting plate
  • Outstanding quality


UNIVERSAL Feuerlöschgeräte AG

Zentweg 17a

3006 Bern

031 921 82 23



UNIVERSAL Feuerlöschgeräte AG

Brückenstrasse 8

4853 Murgenthal



Avis: 031 921 82 23

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